The Court
Public Prosecutor
Next of kin
The Court
Public Prosecutor
Next of kin
Investigation Phase
Decision to prosecute the suspects.
The victims or their next of kin are notified and informed about the date of the trial.
Summoning the defendants to appear before the district court.
During the time between issuing the summons of appear and the start of the trial, the OM continues its investigation.
Defendants can get a defense attorney who starts preparing the defense.
The next of kin had the opportunity to submit claims for damages that will be joined to the criminal proceedings
Procedural Phase
The first hearing for the MH17 trials started.
A person charged with a criminal offense is always entitled to take part in the hearings. Therefore, during the procedural hearings, the court established whether the defendants appeared before the Court, either themselves or through their lawyers.
During the procedural stage, the defense may submit preliminary objections and request additional investigations to compete the case file.
End of procedural phase and interlocutory decision.
Merits Phase
Start of Merits Phase.
The next of kin may address the court to share the impact that the downing of MH17 has had on them and what sentence they would find appropriate if the suspects are found guilty.
The court will address the next of kin’s claims for compensation.
The prosecution will plead its legal argumentation, followed by a request for a sentence if they conclude that the court should determine the suspects guilty.

This is called the requisitoir.
The defense is then expected to present their argumentation in Spring 2022, called the pleidooi.
The prosecution then gets a chance to respond in their repliek.
The defense may then respond to this in their dupliek. If present, the suspects get the final word.
The court closes the hearings and announce when the judgment will be given.
The Court
Public Prosecutor
Next of kin
Investigation Phase
Decision to prosecute the suspects.
Summoning the defendants to appear before the district court.
During the time between issuing the summons of appear and the start of the trial, the OM continues its investigation.
Defendants can get a defense attorney who starts preparing the defense.
The next of kin had the opportunity to submit claims for damages that will be joined to the criminal proceedings
Procedural Phase
The first hearing for the MH17 trials started.
During the procedural stage, the defense may submit preliminary objections such as against thei mpartiality of the judges, and request additional investigations to compete the case file.
The Pulatov defense team has made alarge number of requests for additional investigations throughout theprocedural stage. The court has allowed some additional investigations that itdeemed relevant. It rejected others.
The Court assumed jurisdiction and considered that it should applyUkrainian law for the compensation claims. The victims’ counsel emphasized before the Court that for the relatives, the claims for damages is a means to recognize their loss and a form of redress.
The Court decided that they would not order or instruct the victims to disclose the agreement with Malaysia Airlines, but that as part of their compensation claim, injured parties that join the criminal trial must provide information on the harm for which the compensation is sought and whether and to what extent that harm has been compensated by others.
The victims’ counsel submitted 290 claims for compensation against the four suspects.
The Court decided that the claims were admissible and would thus be part of the merits phase of the criminal trial.
Merits Phase
Start of Merits Phase.
The court will address the next of kin’s claims for compensation.
The next of kin may address the court to share the impact that the downing of MH17 has had on them and what sentence they would find appropriate if the suspects are found guilty.
The Court has urged the defense to respond to the compensation claims no later than 1 November 2021.
The defense is then expected to present their argumentation in Spring 2022, called the pleidooi.
The prosecution then gets a chance to respond in their repliek.
The defense may then respond to this in their dupliek. If present, the suspects get the final word.
The court closes the hearings and announce when the judgment will be given. In principle, this is within 14 days after the ending of the hearings.
The Court
Next of kin
Application for Ayley & Others v. Russia.
Application for Angline & Others v. Russia.
Non-contentious phase
The Court decided that the applications appeared admissible and consequently communicated them to the respondent state, Russia.

They were thereby requested to submit observations and also to enter into a friendly settlement.
During the non-contentious phase, the applicants and the respondent state have 12 weeks to find friendly settlement.‍
The parties involved in the MH17 individual applications have not come to a friendly settlement. The case entered the contentious phase.
Contentious phase
The individual proceedings regarding MH17 are adjourned until the ECtHR has decided the inter-state applications by Ukraine and the Netherlands against Russia.